Molecular Distillation Systems for the Concentration of Omega-3 Fatty Acids

What is Molecularly Distilled Omega-3 Good For?

Omega-3 EPA/DHA are essential nutrients that play a crucial role in human health. They are important for brain function, cardiovascular health, and reducing inflammation throughout the body.

Research has shown that omega-3 fatty acids may help reduce the risk of heart disease, improve brain function, reduce inflammation, and even help with depression and anxiety.

While Omega-3 fatty acids can be obtained through diet, it can be difficult to consume enough to meet the body’s needs. Additionally, some people may not be able to consume enough omega-3s due to dietary restrictions or preferences.

Concentrated Omega-3 supplements which is molecularly distilled, can provide a convenient and effective way to ensure adequate intake. Furthermore, some health conditions, such as high triglyceride levels, may require higher doses of omega-3s than can be achieved through diet alone. In such cases, supplements may be recommended by a healthcare provider to help meet the body’s needs.

What Is Industrial Molecular Distillation?

Industrial scale molecular distillation is a liquid liquid separation and purification process of a liquid mixture based on differences in the boiling points of its component molecules. The process is carried out in a high vacuum environment and with minimal residence time, using a heated surface to create a thin film of the mixture.

It is particularly useful for separating components that have similar boiling points and are difficult to separate using conventional distillation methods. By reducing the distance between the heated surface and the condensing surface, as a short path distillation unit it allows for more efficient separation and prevents thermal degradation of the components.

The separation philosophy behind molecular distillation emphasizes the importance of precise control over temperature, pressure, and flow rate to achieve optimal separation and purity of the final product.

What is the Basic Structure of Multi-stages Molecular Distillation Equipment

Industrial multi-stages molecular distillation equipment is especifically customized for fish oil concentration. It typically consists of several stages of distillation columns arranged in series. Each stage consists of a distiller with cold trap, a condenser, and aligning with vacuum group and control system.

With the number of stages varying depending on the desired level of concentration and purity. The distiller is typically a short-path or wiped-film type, with a heated surface that creates a thin film of the liquid mixture. The condenser is designed to efficiently condense the vapors produced.

While light phase with longer molecular travelling length will be captured on cold trap, allowing the heavy component to be collected in the intermediary storage tanks, and transfer the residue to next stage for further separation. Each stage has independent temperature control and vacuum degree for separating different fractions.

For fish oil concentration, the equipment is made of sanitary food grade stainless steel, and shall be designed to handle high temperatures and low pressures. The equipment can be equipped with sensors and control systems to monitor and adjust parameters such as temperature, pressure, and flow rate, pump motor speed, ensuring that the process runs smoothly and efficiently.

The specifications of the equipment will vary depending on the specific requirements of the application, but typically the equipment is able to achieve a high degree of separation and concentration of the desired molecules in a single pass. Contact Us for Complete Solutions for your process requirements.

How to Concentrate Fish Oil Omega-3 with Molecular Distillation Unit?

The industrial multi-stage molecular distillation process for fish oil concentration typically involves several stages of distillation units arranged in series. The process can be basically in the following steps:

  1. Pre-treatment: The crude fish oil is typically pre-treated and esterified to remove impurities and solid particles that could interfere with the distillation process. The feed quality has significant impact on short path molecular distillation and separation. Skilled enrichment process such as esterification, degumming, winterization, adsorption are fundamental to keep the further concentration performance.
  2. First-stage evaporation: The fish oil ester is mildly heated and vaporized in the first-stage evaporator, creating a thin film of the liquid mixture. The evaporator is typically a short-path or wiped-film type, designed to working on the dehydration, desolvency, decolorization, deodorization of the material, making the fish oil more clear and solvent free for higher temperature separation.
  3. First-stage condensation: The vapors produced by the first-stage evaporator are condensed in the first-stage condenser, which is designed to efficiently cool and condense the vapors into a liquid phase. The purified product is collected at the bottom intermediary storage tank, while the non-condensable gases are removed by the vacuum system.
  4. Subsequent stages: The fish oil is continuously heated to a specific temperature, typically around 100-200°C, to vaporize the omega-3 fatty acids and other desired components.
  5. The shorter-chain saturated, monounsaturated fatty acids are the first to be separated out during prestage distillation and the longer-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids are the last stage to be separated out.
  6. The process is repeated in subsequent stages, with each stage consisting of a short path distiller and a condenser.
  7. The number of stages will vary depending on the desired level of concentration and purity of the final product. In each subsequent stage, the feed from the previous stage is further concentrated and purified with different fractions, resulting in a highly purified product at the end of the process.
  8. Final product collection: The purified product is collected at the bottom of the final-stage intermediary storage tank, and is typically transferred to a storage tank for further processing or packaging.
  9. Addition to the special structure of each stage distiller, it is significant to ensure that there is sufficient utility supply of thermal heating, cooling water, chilling water, nitrogen&compressed air, power for starting and stable working conditions on the concentration performance.

Overall, the multi-stages molecular distillation process for fish oil concentration is an effective method for producing highly purified fish oil Omega-3 EPA/DHA fractions with minimal thermal degradation. The use of multiple stages allows for a high degree of separation and concentration of the desired molecules, resulting in a product that is suitable for a variety of applications, such as nutritional supplements and pharmaceuticals.

Advantages of Molecular Distillation for Fish Oil Concentration

  1. Firstly, it operates under high vacuum maximum to 0.1Pa, which minimizes the exposure of the oil to high temperatures and oxygen, preserving Omega-3 fatty acids’ natural structure and properties, and leading to higher quality and purity of the concentrated fish oil.
  2. Secondly, it allows for the separation of unwanted contaminants and impurities, such as heavy metals and PCBs, from the concentrated fish oil.
  3. Thirdly, it is a continuous process, enabling large-scale production with consistent quality. The operation can be simple with automatic control units and vacumm pump and heating temperature setting on the control cabinet. Only need 1-2 persons for complete operations.
  4. Lastly, it can achieve a high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids with multi stages processes, making it an efficient method for producing high-potency fish oil supplements.

How Much Concentration of Omega-3 Can Produce from Molecular Distillation?

The concentration of Omega-3 that can be obtained from industrial molecular distillation depends on various factors such as the feed content of raw material, the distillation process parameters, and the structure of the equipment and engineering design of the complete process plant.

It works by applying an extreme vacuum to the oil heating process, which reduces the pressure and lowers the boiling point of the Omega-3. This process will separates the Omega-3 at each stage with different vacuum degree, gradually increasing the temperature for separating.

Typically, industrial-scale molecular distillation unit can achieve a concentration of Omega-3 of around 60% to 70% or higher. However, the exact concentration will depend on the specific conditions used during the distillation process.

Although molecular distillation process has been working out efficiently in removing impurities and producing high-quality omega-3 concentrates, but it requires specialized equipment and expertise. It is important to work with a reputable supplier who follows strict quality control measures to ensure the safety and purity of the final product. We welcome your inquiries for deep discussion and cooperations.

Additionally, with combination process, different proportions of EPA/DHA in ethyl ester fish oil are blended as required to obtain different proportions of Omega-3 fish oil according to the user’s requirements.

Overall, the concentration of Omega-3 that can be obtained from industrial-scale molecular distillation is generally practiable and flexiable, but it is important to carefully consider the specific requirements and goals for the Omega-3 product being produced.

What You May Want To Know About Fish Oil Concentration Equipment With Molecular Distillation Technology

  1. How much fish oil can it process in a given time frame?

    The capacity of the feed can be specially designed from 30kg/hour to above 500kg/hr, as per the specific density and quality of the fish oil being processed. 

  2. Maintenance and operation? such as how often it needs to be serviced, what spare parts are required, and what training is needed for operating the equipment effectively.

    Industrial molecular distillation equipment typically requires periodic maintenance to ensure it is operating correctly.
    Generally, it is recommended to perform monthly regular inspections, cleaning, and lubrication of the equipment to minimize the risk of breakdowns.
    Proper training is essential for operating industrial molecular distillation equipment safely and effectively. Operators should be trained on the specific equipment before using, as well as the safety protocols and standard operating procedures.
    Training will be provided by our side.

  3. Scalability? if the molecular distillation equipment can be scaled up or down to accommodate changes in production demand.

    Most industrial molecular distillation equipment is designed to be scalable, meaning it can be adjusted to accommodate changes in production demand. It can be assessed with detail size and feed rate and performance target. 

  4. Cost-effectiveness, You may want to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the molecular distillation equipment, taking into account the initial capital investment, ongoing operational costs, and potential returns on investment.

    It depends on various factors including the size and complexity of the equipment, the volume of fish oil being processed, and the market demand and price for concentrated fish oil Omega-3. 
    The initial capital investment can cost anywhere from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands of dollars. 
    There are ongoing operational costs associated with molecular distillation equipment, such as energy consumption, maintenance, and labor.
    The exact cost of these expenses will depend on the size of the equipment and the volume of fish oil being processed.
    The potential returns on investment for molecular distillation equipment for fish oil concentration will depend on the market demand and price for concentrated fish oil. Concentrated fish oil is a valuable product used in a variety of industries, including food, pharmaceuticals, and supplements. The price of concentrated fish oil can vary widely, depending on the quality, purity, and concentration of the product. If the market demand and price are high, the return on investment can be significant.

  5. Safety and environmental considerations? how does the equipment minimize the risk of accidents or hazards during operation? What measures are taken to minimize waste and protect the environment?

    The equipment is equipped with automated control systems that monitor and adjust key parameters such as temperature, pressure, pump and flow rates. This ensures that the process is carried out within safe operating limits, reducing the risk of accidents.
    Safety features: It is also equipped with several safety features such as pressure relief valves, emergency stop buttons, and interlocks to prevent unintended operation. 
    Use of high-quality materials: It is made of high-quality materials that are corrosion-resistant, durable, and can withstand high temperatures and pressures. This ensures that the equipment is reliable and safe to use during operation.
    Regular maintenance and inspection of the equipment are important to ensure that it is operating safely and efficiently. This includes cleaning, lubrication, and calibration of the various components, as well as inspections of the equipment for signs of wear and tear.

  6. What is the energy consumption of the equipment?

    Molecular distillation equipment for fish oil concentration requires a significant amount of energy to heat the feedstock to the required temperature and maintain it at that temperature during the distillation process.
    The energy consumption can vary from a few kilowatts for small-scale equipment to several hundred kilowatts for larger industrial-scale equipment.
    We use energy-efficient structure designs and process technologies to reduce the energy consumption. For example, the unit equipment is designed to operate at lower pressures, which can reduce the energy needed to maintain the distillation temperature.
    It is important to note that the energy consumption of molecular distillation equipment for fish oil concentration is also influenced by the efficiency of the heating and cooling systems, as well as the insulation of the equipment.
    Proper maintenance and optimization of these systems can help to reduce energy consumption and improve the overall efficiency of the distillation process.

  7. What is its yield and output purity?

    The yield and purity of the fish oil EPA/DHA fraction can vary depending on the specific type of fish oil origin, the pretreatment and refining process conditions, the operating parameters used during the short path distillation process, and the engineering working condition and allignment design of the equipment system.  
    Generally, molecular distillation is capable of achieving up to 60%-70% of EPA/DHA ester, with yields of up to 99% or more in some cases. We welcome you any inquiries for detail process requirements.

In Conclusion:

We pride ourselves on delivering high-quality, innovative solutions tailored to meet the specific process requirements of our customers.
We are working with an experienced team of experts dedicated to providing exceptional service and ensuring your satisfaction at every step of the way.
We understand that each organization has unique needs, and we would be more than happy to discuss how our solutions can be customized to meet your specific requirements.

Please feel free to schedule a meeting with our team, and we can explore the possibilities further.

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