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Category: Solvent Dehydration Innovations

2500tpy acn pervaporataon membrane equipment
Solution and Technology
Livia Zhou

Is Achieving Ultra-Low Moisture in Acetonitrile a Pipe Dream?

Pervaporation technology, particularly when utilizing zeolite membranes, is akin to a finely-tuned instrument in an orchestra. It’s not about force; it’s about finesse. Zeolite membranes work on a molecular level, discriminating between water and acetonitrile with precision that’s nothing short of artistry.
Let’s talk about process controls. They’re not just switches and gauges; they’re the maestros of the operation. With our advanced control systems, we’re able to maintain an environment so stable, so precise, that reaching a moisture content of 0.03% is not the ceiling; it’s the standard.

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Solution and Technology
Livia Zhou

A Complete Guide: Membrane Separation Technology With Molecular Sieve Pervaporation Process

The principle of separation by PV process is to use the concentration difference or partial pressure difference of the components to be measured as the driving force for mass transfer, according to the dissolution performance of the raw material mixture in the membrane material, the diffusion rate and the difference in molecular size, so as to achieve the purpose of separating the components.
In this article, we will introduce the complete process and technology mainly about pervaporation membrane separation performance with inorganic molecular sieve membrane components.

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Solution and Technology
Livia Zhou

Process Technology For Dehydration and Recovery of Ethyl Acetate

The increasing demand for ethyl acetate as an important raw material in various industries demands the need for advanced production processes and effective recovery and dehydration technologies.

The traditional production processes, although widely used, face challenges such as high energy consumption, low separation efficiency, and environmental pollution.

The pervaporation technique has emerged as a promising alternative due to its low energy consumption, no pollution, and good separation effect.

The optimization of the pervaporation process conditions can significantly improve its separation performance, making it a highly efficient and economic option for the recovery and dehydration of high-purity ethyl acetate on an industrial-scale production line.

The use of molecular sieve membranes in the pervaporation process has shown outstanding chemical stability and separation performance, making it a promising technology for the separation of ethyl acetate-water systems.

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Solution and Technology
Livia Zhou

Methanol Recovery and Dehydration Process To Get 99.9%: A Complete Guide

Methanol is an important chemical with a wide range of applications. With the advantages of high temperature stability, low volatility and excellent clean energy properties, it is widely used in the production of chemicals, solvents, fuels and fungicides.
Effective recovery and purification of methanol is essential for many industries, including the chemical, pharmaceutical and energy sectors. By following the optimized process flow and using advanced process equipment and technology, you can ensure that you recover and purify methanol effectively and produce high quality anhydrous methanol suitable for your specific application.

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3000 T/A IPA Dehydration System
Solvent Dehydration Innovations
Livia Zhou

Process Design and Control of 99.9% Isopropyl Alcohol

High-purity Isopropyl alcohol (abbreviated as IPA) of at least 99.5% is required to produce active pharmaceutical ingredients that meet regulatory standards, and any deviations from these standards can result in delays in the approval process.

Similarly, in petrochemicals and organic synthesis, the removal of water is critical to producing high-quality products and to ensure the safety of the process. So Isopropyl alcohol dehydration is necessary for process operations.

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Solvent Dehydration Innovations
Livia Zhou

The Basic Condition for Pervaporation Membrane Separation

Pervaporation is a new technology of membrane separation and removal of water from industrial solvents.
Compared with distillation or rectification or other traditional separation technologies, pervaporation has outstanding advantages of high efficiency, low consumption, high recovery, convenient operation, safety, and environmental protection features, etc.

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Solution and Technology
Livia Zhou

What is Pervaporation Membrane Technology

Pervaporation is derived from two energy-efficient processes: permeation and evaporation. It achieves continuous separation of the permeable component on the properties of different dissolution and diffusion rates in the membrane module.
The process is especially suitable for the separation of near-boiling point, constant-boiling point mixtures, isomeric substrates, and compounds with poor thermal stability that are difficult or impossible to separate by the ordinary process of distillation, extraction, or adsorption.
It has obvious economic and technical advantages for the removal of trace water from organic solvents and mixed solvents, and for the separation of small amounts of organic pollutants in wastewater.
Compared with the traditional solvent recovery process, PV has outstanding features of high efficiency, low energy consumption, high recovery, convenient operation, safety, environment friendly, etc.

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Solution and Technology
Livia Zhou

How to Produce Anhydrous Ethanol with a Minimum 99.5% Purity

Producing anhydrous ethanol with a minimum 99.5% alcohol concentration is a complex process that requires careful attention to detail. Raw material selection, pre-treatment, fermentation, distillation, dehydration, and quality control are all crucial stages in the production process. By following these steps, producers can ensure to produce high-quality anhydrous ethanol that meets the required purity standards.

China is now the third largest producer and applicant of biofuel ethanol in the world following Brazil and the United States. The keys to determine the future prospects of high purity ethanol production are manufacturing cost and process technology, especially the cost of ethanol preparation and high purity separation.

Currently, the most efficient technology in this respect is the molecular sieve membrane permeation vaporization ethanol-water separation technology, which has a bright market prospect with hundreds of millions of dollars of market demand every year.

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