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what kind of membrane is suitable for solvent dehydration

Permeation vaporization inorganic membranes are divided into organic permeation vaporization membranes and inorganic permeation vaporization membranes by materials. Inorganic molecular sieve permeation vaporization membranes use molecular sieve as the membrane layer material, and inorganic ceramic membranes use regular pore channels to achieve the separation between different components.

NaA-type inorganic molecular sieve permeation vaporization membrane is especially suitable for organic solvent dehydration. The NaA-type molecular sieve particles is uniformly covered on the tubular ceramic porous support body, it forms a layer of closely packed membrane through crystal growth. The pore size is about 4.2A, which is larger than the kinetic diameter of water molecules ~2.9A and smaller than the diameter of most organic molecules, showing good selectivity for water molecules.

On the other hand, the high aluminum content (Si/Al=1) in the molecular sieve skeleton makes the NaA-type inorganic molecular sieve permeation vaporization membrane is particularly suitable for organic solvent dehydration. On the other hand, the high aluminum content (Si/Al=1) in the molecular sieve backbone makes it extremely hydrophilic, which makes the best dehydration performance for the NaA-type inorganic molecular sieve permeation vaporization membrane.

In the inorganic permeation vaporization membrane dehydration process, the aqueous mixture is preheated and enters the feed side of the membrane module, while the permeate side is vacuumed to maintain a depressed pressure environment. On the feed side, water molecules are preferentially adsorbed on the membrane surface, driven by the partial pressure difference of water vapor on both sides of the membrane, and vaporized into water vapor on the permeate side of the membrane. After the separation operation, the output of the membrane feed side yields a water-free product, while the permeate side component is condensed for wastewater treatment.

We take the inorganic permeation vaporization membrane as the key developing direction by combining the characteristics of the permeation vaporization process with the requirements of customers.

And through experiments and more than 100 projects practice, it is proved that ceramic membrane equipment is more suitable for the dehydration application, it is more efficient and more environmentally friendly.

The permeation vaporization membrane separation process is not limited by the gas-liquid equilibrium of the separation system, and high efficiency, mild conditions, and low energy consumption feature, which has unique advantages in the separation of near-boiling and azeotrope mixtures, solvent recovery and removal of trace water.

This technology for organic solvent dehydration is expected to replace traditional separation technologies such as distillation and adsorption, and has broad application prospects in the fields of energy, petrochemicals, biopharmaceuticals, electronics, environmental protection, etc. It is one of the promising high-techs in the 21st century.

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