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Category: Solution and Technology

removal of plasticizer with advanced process technology
Molecular Distillation Equipment
Livia Zhou

Removing Plasticizer from Fish Oil: Effective Solutions and Technologies

The discernible presence of these undesirable constituents within crude fish oil serves as a pivotal barometer of raw material quality and safety. It provides an indirect yet salient revelation of the pollution levels endemic to the fish oil production regions. Consequently, it becomes incumbent upon us to delineate a process that can efficaciously and methodically eliminate plasticizers from fish oils. This process should ideally embody qualities of simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and scalability for large-scale industrial implementation.

Therefore, the overarching purpose of this blog post is to furnish our readers with an exhaustive compendium of meticulously crafted solutions and state-of-the-art technologies specifically tailored for the eradication of plasticizers from fish oil. In a world where purity and safety standards are non-negotiable, this discourse is intended to serve as a beacon, illuminating the path toward the preservation of the integrity of this indispensable product.
Based on various refining processes for various oils, Plasticizers can be removed by appropriate refining processes including one or more degumming, filtration, dewaxing, deacidification, decolourization, deodorization, degreasing, filtration, fractionation, esterification, molecular distillation and hydrogenation.

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Removing Free Fatty Acids in Fish Oil Processing

Deacidification is an essential step in the fish oil refining process, and the currently applicable deacidification methods include molecular distillation deacidification, alkaline refining deacidification, physical refining deacidification, organic solvent extraction deacidification, and supercritical fluid extraction deacidification, etc.

Among them, alkaline refining deacidification is the most commonly used method in the industry, which has the best deacidification effect. Following up with effective chemical neutralization to remove free fatty acids (FFA) from fish oils.
Discover the essential steps to effectively remove free fatty acids during fish oil processing.
This article is mainly introducing effective process equipment for the marine refined fish oil deacidification process, the process is capable to be controlled with highly efficient deacidification performance, less waste, and no pollution, do not destroy the effective nutrients in fish oil.
In this guide, we’ll delve into actionable insights for ensuring the quality and purity of fish oil products.

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Revolutionize DMG Production with Cutting-Edge Short Path Molecular Distillation Equipment

The product obtained by chemical synthesis contains a mixture of monoglycerides, diglycerides, neutral oils and fatty acids, of which the monoglyceride content is 40% to 60%. In order to obtain high purity monoglycerides, with a purity of more than 90 per cent, they must be separated efficiently.
Molecular distillation is currently the only industrialised and effective separation process, which is divided into two processes: removal of light components and evaporation of monoglycerides.
In this article, we will explore how cutting-edge Short Path Molecular Distillation Equipment can transform Distilled Monoglyceride (DMG) production. Discover the unparalleled efficiency, purity, and sustainability benefits of this advanced technology.

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Efficient Adsorption Process for Heavy Metal Removal

Removal of toxic heavy metals from polluted water bodies is imperative for health and environmental protection.
To this end, chemical precipitation, chelate precipitation (flocculation), ion exchange, electrochemical, flotation, advanced oxidation, and membrane separation methods have been developed to address heavy metals, but no universal and effective treatment methods have been found so far.
The use of natural minerals to treat pollution and repair the environment is based on making full use of the laws of nature, reflecting the characteristics of natural self-purification.
The use of natural minerals to treat pollution and repair the environment is based on making full use of the laws of nature, reflecting the characteristics of natural self-purification.
Clay minerals have been used as excellent adsorbents due to the presence of different types of active sites on their surfaces, such as ion exchange sites, Lewis acid sites, and Bronsted sites.
The key to adsorption technology is the preparation of environmentally friendly, cheap, and efficient adsorbents.
Modified natural and synthetic clays such as kaolin, bentonite, montmorillonite, silver mica, and attapulgite are the most widely used clays for the preparation of high-performance nanocomposites.
This article mainly discusses advances in clay minerals and their derivatives for treating heavy metal effluent.

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Solution and Technology
Livia Zhou

Supergravity Fractionation Machines: Revolutionizing Solvent Separation

Supergravity distillation is a highly efficient technique for maximizing the effectiveness of distillation. Its wide range of applications in the petrochemical, pharmaceutical, biological and industrial sectors offers unparalleled advantages for the separation and purification of target substances.
Continuous or intermittent distillation recovery of organic solvents such as formaldehyde, toluene, methylal, ethylene glycol, acetonitrile, ethyl acetate, acetone, tetrahydrofuran, dimethyl sulfoxide, n-butanol, methylene chloride, silyl ether, cycloethane, isobutane, isopropanol, glacial acetic acid, acetic anhydride, DMF, DMSO, DMAA, DMDA, etc.

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Solution and Technology
Livia Zhou

A Complete Guide: Membrane Separation Technology With Molecular Sieve Pervaporation Process

The principle of separation by PV process is to use the concentration difference or partial pressure difference of the components to be measured as the driving force for mass transfer, according to the dissolution performance of the raw material mixture in the membrane material, the diffusion rate and the difference in molecular size, so as to achieve the purpose of separating the components.
In this article, we will introduce the complete process and technology mainly about pervaporation membrane separation performance with inorganic molecular sieve membrane components.

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Solution and Technology
Livia Zhou

Process Technology For Dehydration and Recovery of Ethyl Acetate

The increasing demand for ethyl acetate as an important raw material in various industries demands the need for advanced production processes and effective recovery and dehydration technologies.

The traditional production processes, although widely used, face challenges such as high energy consumption, low separation efficiency, and environmental pollution.

The pervaporation technique has emerged as a promising alternative due to its low energy consumption, no pollution, and good separation effect.

The optimization of the pervaporation process conditions can significantly improve its separation performance, making it a highly efficient and economic option for the recovery and dehydration of high-purity ethyl acetate on an industrial-scale production line.

The use of molecular sieve membranes in the pervaporation process has shown outstanding chemical stability and separation performance, making it a promising technology for the separation of ethyl acetate-water systems.

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Solution and Technology
Livia Zhou

Methanol Recovery and Dehydration Process To Get 99.9%: A Complete Guide

Methanol is an important chemical with a wide range of applications. With the advantages of high temperature stability, low volatility and excellent clean energy properties, it is widely used in the production of chemicals, solvents, fuels and fungicides.
Effective recovery and purification of methanol is essential for many industries, including the chemical, pharmaceutical and energy sectors. By following the optimized process flow and using advanced process equipment and technology, you can ensure that you recover and purify methanol effectively and produce high quality anhydrous methanol suitable for your specific application.

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Solution and Technology
Livia Zhou

Acetone Recovery and Purification Process for 99.99% Purity

While a large amount of industrial production and manufacturing of acetone wastewater makes great concern to the high disposal cost and environmental hazards, through the process of heating distillation, membrane filtration, fermentation method, isopropyl benzene oxidation synthesis method and other separation methods, pure acetone can be recovered and purified for reusing, the acetone recovery and purification process not only save a lot of procurement costs, but also reduce the pollution of the environment.
As a process equipment supplier on solvent recovery, I truely understand the importance of recovering and purifying acetone. In this post, I will list the main equipment and illustrate how to effectively recover acetone.
So it is significant to design proper process and equipment for acetone recover and purification, and reduce safety hazards associated with the accumulation of waste solvents.

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3000 T/A IPA Dehydration System
Solvent Dehydration Innovations
Livia Zhou

Process Design and Control of 99.9% Isopropyl Alcohol

High-purity Isopropyl alcohol (abbreviated as IPA) of at least 99.5% is required to produce active pharmaceutical ingredients that meet regulatory standards, and any deviations from these standards can result in delays in the approval process.

Similarly, in petrochemicals and organic synthesis, the removal of water is critical to producing high-quality products and to ensure the safety of the process. So Isopropyl alcohol dehydration is necessary for process operations.

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